Principle Investigator

Kefei LIU

Assistant Professor

Bioscience and Biomedical Engineering Thrust

Systems Hub, HKUST(GZ)

Email: (replace ## with @)

He obtained his B.Sc. degree in Pharmaceutical engineering from Jilin University. And received his Ph.D. degree in Neuroscience from the Institute of Neuroscience, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Then he conducted postdoctoral research at the School of Medicine, Yale University. His studies have been published in Neuron, Science, Nature Communications, and other high-impact international academic journals.

Group Students


Ph.D. student (Sep 2022-)

Research fields are computational neuroscience, autonomous driving decision-making algorithms and computer vision.

Mingnan WEI

Ph.D. student (Sep 2022-)

Research fields are embedded biomedical system development, brain-computer interface, and neural signal analysis.

Shuyun XING

Ph.D. student (Feb 2023-)

Research fields are neural circuits and molecular mechanisms of neurodegenerative and psychiatric diseases.

Fangchao LIU

Ph.D. student (Sep 2023-)

Research fields are neuroelectrophysiology, computational neuroscience, and brain-computer interface.

Gongpengyang SHI

Ph.D. student (Sep 2023-)

Research fields are computational neuroscience, system neuroscience and neural signal decoding.

Keyin LIU

Ph.D. student (Sep 2023-)

Research fields are neural coding and deep learning to analyze histological images and spatial transcriptomics data.


MPhil. student (Sep 2024-)

Research field are neuro-computing and rodent visual-assisted navigation neural biological mechanisms.


Res. Assistant (Sep 2024-)

Research fields are hippocampal replay, neuro-electrophysiology, neural signal decoding.


Res. Assistant (Sep 2024-)

Research fields are neural encoding and modelling neural circuits, temporal interference stimulation.

Jiajun SUN

Intern student (Sep 2024-)

Research fields are brain-computer interface technology development, treatment of neurodegenerative diseases.

Kaihan HUANG

Intern student (Sep 2024-)

Research fields are brain-computer interface, neural signal decoding, and computational neuroscience.